Apparently, having sex is like throwing a rock through a window. I guess I've been doing it wrong all these years, because that comparison never occurred to me. Laura Sessions Step, however, a "lifestyle" reporter for the Washington Post, is much more imaginative than I am. She has a new book out
about the evils of hooking up. "Your body is your property," she warns girls, "Think about the first home you hope to own. You wouldn't want someone to throw a rock through the front window, would you?"
The Grammar Police and their readers riff wild on this bizarre metaphor in the funniest blog post I've read in years. My favorites:
Your body is your property. Think about the first home you hope to own. You want to have a big party and invite all your friends over.
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Your body is your property ... Think about the first home you hope to own. If you ever get in trouble with money, you can always rent it out for use by strangers.
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Your body is your property ... Think about the first home you hope to own. You want the carpet to match the drapes.
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Your body is your property. Think about the first home you hope to own. Odds are it's going to be a fixer-upper and will need some major improvements to make it attractive. A larger front porch, for example.
Framed readers are invited to submit their take on Step's house metaphor in the comments below.
Your body is your property. Think about the first home you hope to own. You wouldn't just fill it full of cocks, would you?
Posted by: Rob | February 19, 2007 at 07:22 PM
Your body is your property. Think about the first home you hope to own. You wouldn't want some faceless vandal to plug your downspouts with tapioca, would you?
Posted by: Paul Burkhardt | February 21, 2007 at 08:54 AM