. . . until the New Hampshire primary.
Here is some of the news that got away from me last week:
Hillary Clinton: Bill was wrong about homosexuals.
Mitt Romney: War is for OTHER people's kids.
John McCain: I hired the fox to guard the henhouse.
Mike Huckabee: Gonzales should resign.
Dennis Kucinich: Let's impeach Cheney.
Bill Richardson: Where's the love?
Barack Obama: Take my wife.
Al Gore: Get real.
John Edwards: Do you take MasterCard?
Greetings from Boston, where "Framed" has been mentioned in a conference on new media by an eminent scholar...
Posted by: Rob Gehl | April 28, 2007 at 07:38 PM
...as an example of what to avoid, no doubt.
Posted by: James F. Trumm | April 28, 2007 at 10:05 PM