. . . until the New Hampshire primary.
Tonight is the first televised candidate debate. All eight Democratic Presidential candidates--Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gravel, Kucinich, Obama, and Richardson--will mix it up in South Carolina at 7:00 on MSNBC. MSNBC's website, by the way, has a nifty compare-and-vote page up which has videos from all eight candidates and allows people to rate each one.
With debates come drinking games, and at Drinking Liberally last night, we devised one for tonight's contest.
When any of the candidates say--
"working families," take one drink.
"let me finish," take one drink.
"exit strategy," take two drinks.
"failed policies," take two drinks.
"our brave men and women," take three drinks.
"Virginia Tech," take four drinks.
Bonus: take two drinks whenever Mike Gravel mentions his national initiative proposal or Joe Biden goes overtime.
At the end of the evening, the winner will be the person who, in spite of all the alcohol, can most accurately explain Hillary Clinton's position on Iraq.