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May 11, 2007



Uh, I am a conservative. And I don't believe in anything that you seem to think ALL conservatives believe in. Being a conservative is not the same as being a bible thumping Christian. I am not Christian. I prefer Quantum Physics and the study of Mind. I champion all people of our world that are interested in living whatever life they deem fit. I don't presume to insist that they live the way I choose to live. I have been very poor. I grew up very poor. I regularly contribute money to a place called the Sheriff's Ranch in Arkansas, that offers kids from abusive homes a place to live until they get out of school. These kids learn that by your own steam you can make for yourself any kind of life you have the imagination to strive for. I am not satisfied with the status quo. I have been living in New Orleans for over 6 months now. Status quo, which by the way, was what caused much of the misery and heartache here post Katrina, is an exclusive mode of thinking that the local Democrats and Liberals have embraced down here. And they still don't want to relinquish this mode of thinking as evident by a lot of local, don't make it on CNN newscasts, types of problems New Orleans is having getting back on its feet. Either/Or thinking is very dangerous. So is lumping Conservatives and Liberals into 2 camps. You seem to be a pretty good thinker. Don't take the labels that you hear about on tv for the gospel, so to speak. Differentiate your thinking and your views. I imagine you know some Conservatives that don't fit the mold you are talking about here. There are many of us that are good people. I travel around the world. I have come to realize that to marginalize or generalize about a group of people is what led to the Rwandan massacres...very dangerous thinking.

James F. Trumm

Point taken, Stacie; generalizing and labeling are perhaps too easy to do. Still, the root of "conservative" is "conserve," meaning to prevent decay or loss, to use or manage wisely, to preserve, to save. Yes, it may be a generalization to say that conservatives generally favor preserving the status quo, but I don't think it's an unreasonable or unfair one.

I don't pretend to know much about the byzantine politics of New Orleans, but obviously since the Democrats have been in charge of the city for, like, ever, it follows that a substantial portion of the blame for the Katrina-related disasters must be laid at their feet. Democrats they may well be, but liberals they were not, any more than the old Daley machine in Chicago was a liberal enterprise.


Yep, point taken there, too. I think I am just tired of the sport of politics...I see more folks spending energy in bringing the other party down, instead of improving and calling to task the assholes in their own camp.

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