. . . until the New Hampshire primary.
Liveblogging the GOP debate
Rudy G.: NH is the live free or die state, and that would be a great motto for our time? Yikes.
Ron Paul is the self-described champion of the constitution.
What are the semiotics involved in Brownback's wearing a green tie?
Romney: Asking if we had known then what we know now about Iraq is an unreasonable hypothetical.
Giuliani--Iraq war absolutely the right thing to do. Iraq part of the overall terrorist war against the US.
McCain ducks question of what to do if the surge doesn't work. He says then we'd have to examine all the options. Shouldn't we have examined all the options beforehand?
Hunter says give the surge another 3-4 months.
Ron Paul: the sooner we come home, the better. We are more threatened now by staying in Iraq--that line led to applause.
The minor candidates seem more willing to leave Iraq than the majors.
Blitzer seems to be giving more time to the minor GOP candidates than he did to the minor Democratic candidates.
Hunter wants to go nuclear on Iran's ass. Holy shit.
Romney's checked tie and gleaming haircut make him look borderline clownish.
Tancredo says that passing immigration reform would be disastrous for the country. Immigrants abusing our hospital system? Wow.
McCain is looking and sounding old.
The word "disastrous" is being flung around alot.
They're completely ignoring Huckabee. Poor guy.
"Not the fence you keep showing on CNN, Wolf, you know, the one the people cross? If someone climbs my fense, we immediately sign him up for the Olympics"
Ron Paul claims that illegal immigrants are a scapegoat...nice.
Romney keeps shaking his head as if he's saying, "no, no, no"
McCain was the only one to originally think that English shouldn't be the official language.
Tommy Thompson loves his name a bit too much. And apparently he's a "reliable conservative"
I don't think God likes Rudy very much.....the lightening keeps knocking his mics out...
Finally, Huckabee speaks...and says that the question about whether he believes in the biblical creation story is the same as the question of whether there is a god.
McCain would leave it up to the school districts to decide whether to teach creationism. God, god, god.
Romney continues with the theology. How much time was just spent by various candidates assuring the voters that yes, they believe in god?
Paul just gave a completely incoherent answer on don't ask, don't tell.
Now Giuliani and Romney say this isn't the time to deal with issue of gays in the military. When will the right time be? McCain passes the buck too, would leave it up to commanders in the field. NONE of them, not one, would end don't ask, don't tell.
Thompson: "George Bush has tremendous characteristics." Yes indeedy.
Tancredo hates Bush. Said he'd tell him never to darken his door.
Huckabee says the GOP deserved to get beat in 2006. Whoa.
Lots of sentiment for pardoning Libby, or at least to "look at the transcript" to decide the issue.
Round 2
McCain again with the "straight talk," but I doubt it will work.
Gilmore gets a question about conservation, blows it off, and then starts in on national security.
Grrr...slandering TR. Tancredo says that Teddy Roosevelt was a conservative and a conservationist. TR was a lot of things, but a conservative is not one of them.
Romney MUST wipe that smirk off his face. He is going for the George W. Bush Golden Chimp Award.
Giuliani just doesn't live in the real world, claiming that current corporate sponsored health insurance covers little things equivalent to "oil changes."
Romney says anything the government takes over it makes worse. It certainly does when the Republicans are in charge, doesn't it?
Huckabee: the most pressing moral issue facing the country today is the value of life. Good answer, though, in acknowledging that some pro-lifers believe life begins at conception and then lose interest after the child is born.
Giuliani says our freedom comes from god. Doesn't it follow, then, that other countries' lack of freedom comes from god too?
Paul says the most pressing moral issue is our acceptance of pre-emptive war. Wow!
How many times can Brownback say "life" in one answer?
Romney quickly moves off the question of whether it's appropriate for him to air Spanish commercials and goes on to platitudes about immigration.
You know, I hate to say this, but I agree with Tom Tancredo of all people about the importance of the English language.
Why does McCain keep saying "my friends"?