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November 30, 2007


bob eldritch

Hello James Trumm,

I suppose I can claim to be Zephram Cochrane. Aithough I don't expect any recognition as such either by the mass media or academia any time soon anyway.

One reason being that I'm an even more non-traditional and non-academic scientist than Garrett Lisi, having trod a very lonely path through the realms of quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind and consciousness.

I say the scientific establishment have not found their new all-explaining Einstein because there's no such individual that can come up with simple or, indeed, any mathematical equations that can be universally applied to a general explanatory theory of how the universe is the way that it is.

So, despite the other successes of the standard model quantum theory, I suggest that physicists have not come to terms with the world-changing experimental discoveries of the early 20th century revealing that maatter exists despite consisting almost all of the space between its universal subatomic component particles called electrons and atomic nuclei and that a hugely powerful force attracts between electrons and nuclei aznd repells berween electrons.

And then, with the development of quantum mechanics 18 yars later, equally unanswerable questions could be asked about how electrons as well as nuclear components could be described as possessing behaviour called wave, spin and entanglement.

But suppose that such questions could be answered only by examining together enough natural evidence of where a cause acts universally in addition to the forces and the existence and nature of which cannot be deduced by measurement, calculation and mathematical fomulae...?

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