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January 27, 2008


Anthony Frame

What is most interesting to me about all of this is the attempt by Obama, but more so (in the interesting factor) by the media, to describe Obama as a post-race candidate -- which he could have been. Of course, by trying to discuss him as a post-race candidate, the media usually spends their time talking about him in terms of his race. And (ignoring the claims that Clinton[s] is injecting race into the campaign, which I'm not sure yet is as accurate as many want it to seem) the media is having it both ways as they try to turn Obama into a post-race candidate but alse spent the majority of the time between New Hampshire and South Carolina talking about nothing but race, Obama and the election.

If Obama becomes the "black candidate", the media has to take the blame. Just as they will have to take the blame if Clinton becomes more of the "female candidate" after every news station aired the infamous cry a hundred times a day for something like a week.

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