As if Barack Obama was not being slimed enough for being an inexperienced, glib, plagiarizing, Karl Rovian turban-wearing crypto-Muslim who is financed by a Daly-machine slumlord . . . it seems he's also got "666" tattooed on the back of his neck:
See..they are not afraid of him because he is black. They are afraid of him because they think he is the beast of the apocalypse. That, like, transcends race. Take that Barack. Take it you anti-christ Bitch!
Sandmonkey suspects Clinton supporters are at work here in sending out the vile viral e-mail; maybe, but I think it's just as likely to be a Republican dirty trick: you know, whip up the two Democratic candidates into a state of foaming fury with each other so whichever one gets the nomination has already been fatally weakened by a member of his or her own party.