This video, shot outside the DNC Rules Committee meeting today, is Exhibit A in the case of why Hillary Clinton's campaign has been destructive of the Democrats' chances to elect a President in 2008.
As Pam Spaulding says, "This is out of control; this chaos must end." Clinton has planted and nurtured a sense of grievance among her supporters. It's not just that another candidate got more votes and more delegates than she did; through her comparisons of the primary process to elections in Zimbabwe and the 2000 election in Florida, Clinton has convinced a certain number of people that she was done dirty.
As many times as journalists, bloggers and Obama's campaign staff point out that even if Florida and Michigan were counted, Clinton would still be behind, the stab-in-the-back claim resonates with some folks. Remember, this is a country where double-digit percentages of people believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim and that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11. Once memes like that take hold, almost no amount of truth-telling can eradicate them. Clinton knows this full well, and yet she recklessly went on with her we-wuz-robbed schtick.
Over and over again I have heard Clinton say that she will fully support the Democratic Party's nominee. Instead, by tacitly encouraging these kind of crypto-racist complaints, she has created a situation in which nothing she can say or do now will eradicate the idea that the election was somehow stolen from her, and that the way to avenge this theft is to vote for McCain or stay home come election day.
God damn her for that.
UPDATE: John Cole has been thinking along the same lines. "We wuz robbed" is the new campaign slogan of the Clinton operation.