You don't even have to watch the video; just scanning the title of the link on the CNN homepage tells you everything you need to know about this content-free story.
'08 Vote Could Be Patriotism vs. Hope
Thank you, CNN, for framing the myriad issues of policy and personality encompassed in the Obaama/McCain race into one simplistic sound bite.
No one who has watched the mainstream media's coverage of recent American elections will be surprised to see that CNN has adopted the GOP's characterization of the candidates. If McCain is the candidate of "patriotism," then Obama is . . . not. Republicans have made much hay by impugning the patriotism of Democratic politicians from Mike Dukakis (who was insufficiently protective of the American flag) to Bill Clinton (who was labeled a draft dodger) to John Kerry (who "looked French") to Barack Obama (who doesn't wear flag pins enough).
What of hope? Hope is a paler, less distinct emotion than patriotism. Patriotism encompasses hope far more easily than hope encompasses patriotism. It will be easier, within this framing, for McCain to persuade voters that he's the candidate of both "hope" and "patriotism" than it will be for Obama to do the same.
Still, I don't think this type of analysis is due to manipulation by the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. I think it's simply intellectual laziness by the media, a fear of challenging their audience to think harder than they would about the dilemma presented by choosing between "tastes great" and "less filling." The CNN clip openly mocks Lyndon Johnson's presentation of complex, multi-faceted policy proposals: ugh, how boring. Who wants to analyze policy proposals when what the American people really want is a simple A-vs.-B? All the GOP has done is to capitalize on the media's pursuit of ratings by framing the most profound and complex of choices into three-word headlines.